Friendly Rondely
Since January 2006.   Last update January 23, 2016   Copyright (C) rondely. All rights reserved.

BIZLINE - First Contact Email 2

How to read / Back translation / Replace this part
English Japanese
I'm contacting you because I'm interested in your website.


I'm sending this email because I'm interested in your website.
>> 御社の(1) ホームページに興味を持ちまして、ご連絡させていただきました。
on-sha no (1) hōmu pēji ni kyōmi wo mochi mashite, go-renraku sasete itadaki mashita.
I'm conacting you because I'm interested in your company's (1) website.

>> ホームページを拝見し、メールをお送りしております。
hōmu pēji wo haiken shi, mēru wo ōkuri shite orimasu.
I've seen your website and sending this email.

 Use the first sample to contact a company for business opportunities or more detailed information about them. "御社" is a honorific way to say "your company" and typically used in business communication. Another (less common) way is "貴社" (kisha).

(1): This part can be replaced by other words such as product, service, business, etc.
Product: 商品 shōhin
Service: サービス sābisu
Business: ビジネス bijinesu

 For personal non-business correspondence, use the second example. You may notice there's no word for "your" included in the sentence, but usually the Japanese don't use a word to directly address the other party in formal situations. We do have some second-person pronouns such as anata, kimi or omae, but all of them are for people who are junior (in age, rank, etc.) to the speaker. Instead we use their family names (often with the suffix "-san" or "-sama") or their titles to address them. So in this example, there is no such word except the term haiken, an honorific version of "see", by which it's obvious that the speaker is talking about the recipient's website.

Do you have information in English available on the product?
(2) 商品に関する英語の(2) 情報はございますでしょうか?
(2) shōhin ni kansuru eigo no (3) jōhō wa gozaimasu deshō ka?
Do you have information in English regarding the product.
  (2): Replace this by the object of which you require information, catalog, etc.
product: 商品 shōhin
service: サービス sābisu
business operation: 事業内容 jigyō naiyō

  (3): Replace this by what you require regarding (1).
catalog: カタログ katarogu
datasheet: データシート dēta shīto
technical data: 技術データ gijutsu dēta
website: ホームページ hōmu pēji

If you have (the above), could you send me by email?
moshi areba, mēru nite ōkuri itadake masu deshō ka?
If you have, is it possible you send me by email?

Or could you let me know the URL I can access for the information?
moshikuwa, jōhō wo nyūshu dekiru URL wo oshiete itadake masu ka?
Or, is it possible you let me know the URL, from which I can acquire information?

Thank you in advance for your trouble.
otesū wo okake itashimasu ga, yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.
I may cause you trouble, but please take care of it.

  All these setneces can be included in the same message in this order. Especially, don't forget to include the last one, when you request something from the recipient. It is a polite way to finish a message and can be also used as the closing.

Unfortunately, I don't understand Japanese (This email uses existing message samples). あいにく、私は日本語はわかりません (4) (このメールは既存の例文を使っています)
ainiku watashi no hou wa nihongo wa wakari masen (4) (kono mēru wa kizon no reibun wo tsukatte imasu).
Unfortunately, I do not understand Japanese (4) (This email uses existing sentence samples).

  (4) This part can be omitted. However, the recipient may wonder how you've sent this email if you don't understand Japanese at all.

Do you have anyone who speaks English? どなたか英語を話される方はいらっしゃいますか?
donataka eigo wo hanasareru kata ha irasshai masu ka?
Is there anyone who speaks English?

If you have, could you introduce me to him/her? This way, communication between us would be smoother. もし、いらっしゃればご紹介いただけますでしょうか?(5) そのほうがコミュニケーションがスムーズだと思いますので。
moshi irasshareba goshōkai itadake masu deshō ka? (5) sono hō ga komyunikēshon ga sumūzu dato omoi masu node.
If there is, could you introduce me to him/her? (5) That way, I think communication would be smooth.

  (5): This also can be left out.

I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss our business opportunity. 直接お会いして(6) お取引きの可能性についてお話しできたらと思いますが、いつ頃がよろしいでしょうか?
chokusetsu oai shite (6) otorihiki no kanōsei ni tsuite ohanashi dekitara to omoi masuga, itsu goro ga yoroshii de shoō ka?
I would like meet you in person to discuss (6) our business opportunity, when is convenient to you?

  (6): This can be replaced by:
your service: 御社のサービス on-sha no sābisu
you business operation: 御社の事業内容 on-sha no jigyō naiyō
our company's proposal: 弊社の提案 hei-sha no go-teian


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