Friendly Rondely
Since January 2006.   Last update January 23, 2016   Copyright (C) rondely. All rights reserved.

BIZLINE - Thank You Email 3

How to read / Back translation / Replace this part
English Japanese
Thank you (very much) for your reply. >> (1) ご返信(まことに)ありがとうございます。
go-henshin (makotoni) arigatō gozai masu.
Thank you (very much) for your reply.

 This is the most typical way to express your thanks for the reply. go in the beginning is an honorific prefix attached to the word "返信" (reply). If you want to say "very much", just include the portion inside the parentheses.

(1): This can be replaced by the following:
ご回答 go-kaitō Answer to your inquiry
  If the other party returns your message promptly, you can say as the next example.

Thank you for your prompt reply. >> 早々の(1) ご返信ありがとうございます。
sōsō no go-henshin arigatō gozai masu.
Thank you for your prompt reply.


>> さっそく(1) ご返信いただき、ありがとうございます。
sassoku go-henshin itadaki, arigatō gozai masu.
Thank you for returning your reply promptly.

 In the same way, (1) can be "ご回答".

Thank you for sending the information regarding the product.
(2) 商品に関する(3) 情報をお送りいただき、ありがとうございます。
(2) shōhin ni kansuru (3) jōhō wo ōkuri itadaki arigatō gozai masu.
Thank you for sending the information regarding the product.
  (2) and (3): Replace them depending on the case.
service: サービス sābisu
business operation: 事業内容 jigyō naiyō
project: プロジェクト purojekuto
catalog: カタログ katarogu
datasheet: データシート dēta shīto
technical data: 技術データ gijutsu dēta
photo(s): 写真 shashin
proposal: ご提案 go-teian

Thank you for accepting our meeting request. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the day.
打ち合わせについて同意いただき、ありがとうございます。それでは、(4) 当日お会いできるのを楽しみにしております。
(5) どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
uchiawase ni tsuite dōi itadaki arigatō gozai masu. deha, tōjitsu oai dekiru nowo tanoshimi ni shite ori masu. (5) dōzo yoroshiku onegai itashi masu.
Thank you for agreeing on a meeting. I'm looking forward to seeing you (4) on the day.

  (4): You can put a specific date. Follow the table below to write dates in Japanese (the order of day, month and year is reversed): Years: Year + "年" (year)
Months: From January to December (Japanese numerals to express months):
Days: Number of day + "日" (day)
January 15th, 2016 → 2016年1月15日

  (5): It's optional, but more polite with this sentence. Actually, it's a convenient expression often used at the end of message, roughly meaning "Please give it sufficient consideration, attention or care".

Thank you for visiting us the other day. (6) 先日は わざわざ(7) 弊社までご足労いただき、ありがとうございました。
(6) senjitsu wa wazawaza (7) hei-sha made go-sokurō itadaki arigatō gozai mashita.
Thank you for the trouble visiting us (7) at our company (6) the other day.

(6) 先日は わざわざ遠方よりご足労いただき、ありがとうございました。
(6) senjitsu wa wazawaza (8) enpō yori go-sokurō itadaki arigatō gozai mashita.
Thank you for the trouble visiting us (8) from far away (6) the other day.

  (6) This part can be changed to:
yesterday: 昨日は sakujitsu wa
last week: 先週は senshū wa

  (7): It's optional, but not redundant in Japanese.

  (8): You can add this to express your appreciation for their long travel to visit you.

Thank you (very much) for your hospitality the other day. (9) 先日は(大変)お世話になり、ありがとうございました。
(9) senjitsu wa (taihen) osewa ni nari arigatō gozai mashita.
Thank you (very much for your hospitality (9) the other day.

  (9) This part can be rephrased as the following:
during our/my stay in Japan: 日本滞在の折は nihon taizai no ori wa
yesterday: 昨日 sakujitsu


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