Last update April 4, 2015

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Flower Structure - 花のつくり


名前 English Description
@花糸(かし) filament
The thin stalk that supports the anther in the male portion of the flower.
A葯(やく) anther
The bright yellow sacs that produce and contain the pollen grains.
B柱頭(ちゅうとう) stigma
Sticky surface where the pollen lands and germinates.
C花柱(かちゅう) style
The style raises the stigma away from the ovary to decrease the likelihood of pollen contamination. It varies in length.
D花弁(かべん)、花びら(はなびら) petal
Not only attract pollinators, but also protect the pistil and stamen. May also produce a scent.
E子房(しぼう) ovary
This protects the ovule and once fertilization has taken place it will become the fruit. The ovule is like the egg in animals and once fertilisation has taken place will become the seed.
F萼(がく) sepal
Commonly green, leaflike structures that protect the bud prior to opening.
G花柄(かへい) pedicel
The stem of a flower within a floral cluster.
H雄ずい(ゆうずい) stamen
Male part of flower consisting of anther and filament.
I雌ずい(しずい) pistil
The base of the female portion of the flower containing the ovules which become seeds.
J花被(かひ)、花蓋(かがい) perianth
The collective term for all the sepals and petals of a single flower.


