Friendly Rondely
Since January 2006.   Last update January 25, 2016   Copyright (C) rondely. All rights reserved.

BIZLINE - Notice Email 4

How to read / Back translation / Replace this part
English Japanese
I'm sending the (1) data you requested. Please confirm.

>> ご依頼の(1) データをお送りいたします。ご査収のほどよろしくお願いいたします。
go-irai no (1) dēta wo o-okuri itashi masu. go-sashū no hodo yoroshiku onegai itashi masu.
I'm sending the (1) data you requested. please receive and check it.

  (1): Several options are:
file: ファイル fairu
photo: 写真 shashin
image: 画像 gazō
estimate (quote): お見積 o-mitsumori
proposal: ご提案 go-teian

I have received your email, but found no (2) file attached. Could you please attach it and send the email again?


I have received your email, but found no (2) file attached. Could you kindly check?

>> メールを受け取りましたが、(2) ファイルが添付されていないようです。お手数ですが、(2) ファイルを添付してもう一度お送りいただけますか?
mēru wo uketori mashita ga, (2) fairu ga tenpu sarete inai yō desu. otesū desu ga, (2) fairu wo tenpu shite mō ichido o-okuri itadake masu ka? (
I have received email, but no (2) file seems to be attached. Sorry for your trouble, but could you please attach the (2) file and send again?


>> メールを受け取りましたが、(2) ファイルが添付されていないようです。お手数ですが、ご確認いただけますでしょうか?
mēru wo uketori mashita ga, (2) fairu ga tenpu sarete inai yō desu. otesū desu ga, go-kakunin itadake masu ka? (
I have received email, but no (2) file seems to be attached. Sorry for your trouble, but could you kindly check?

 Saying "no file seems to be attached" sounds more polite and the Japanese language prefers this sort of style.

(2): Several options are:
data: データ dēta
photo: 写真 shashin
Image: 画像 gazō
estimate (quote): お見積 o-mitsumori

  Many Japanese people prefer the second sample, since the first may sound a little patronizing by saying the obvious.

I have received the file, but I cannot open it. Could you kindly check it? >> ファイルを受け取りましたが、ファイルを開くことができません。お手数ですが、ご確認いただけますでしょうか?
fairu wo uketori mashita ga, fairu wo hiraku kotoga deki masen. otesū desu ga, go-kakunin itadake masu ka?
I have received the file, but I cannot open it. Sorry for the trouble, but could you kindly check it?

I have received the file, but the file seems to be corrupt. Could you kindly check it? >> ファイルを受け取りましたが、ファイルが破損しているようです。お手数ですが、ご確認いただけますでしょうか?
fairu wo uketori mashita ga, fairu ga hason shite iru yō desu. otesū desu ga, go-kakunin itadake masu ka?
I have received the file, but the file seems to be corrupt. Sorry for the trouble, but could you kindly check it?

I have received the file, but my PC cannot open the file. Could you kindly convert it into PDF? >> ファイルを受け取りましたが、こちらのパソコンではファイルを開けません。お手数ですが、(3) PDFに変換していただくことは可能ですか?
fairu wo uketori mashita ga, kochira no pasokon dewa fairu wo hirake masen. otesū desu ga, (3) PDF ni henkan shite iadaku koto wa kanō desu ka?
I have received the file, my/our PC cannot open the file. Sorry for the trouble, but is it possible to convert it into (3) PDF?

  (3): Software and application names remain in English.

I would like to inform you that my email address will change from February 3rd, 2016. The new address is as follows:

>> (4) 2016年2月3日よりメールアドレスが変わりますので、お知らせいたします。新しいアドレスは下記のとおりです。
(4) 2016nen ni-gatsu mikka yori mēru adoresu ga kawari masu node, o-shirase itashi masu. atarashī adoresu wa kaki no toīri desu.
I would like to inform you that my email address will change from (4) February 3rd, 2016. The new address is as follows:
  (4): You can put a specific date. Follow the table below to write dates in Japanese (the order of day, month and year is reversed): Years: Year + "年" (year)
Months: From January to December (Japanese numerals to express months):
1月 、2月、3月、4月、5月、6月、7月、8月、9月、10月、11月、12月
Days: Number of day + "日" (day)

I will be away from office from (5) July 20 to (6) August 10 for (7) summer vacation. (8) Tom Brown will be in charge during my absence.
>> (5) 7月20日から(6) 8月10日まで、(7) 夏休みのため不在の予定です。留守中は(8) トム・ブラウンが代わりに担当させていただきますので、よろしくお願いいたします。
(5) shichi-gatsu hatuka kara (6) hachi-gatsu tōkamade (7) natsu yasumi no tame fuzai no yotei desu. rusuchū wa (8) tomu buraun ga kawari ni tantō sasete itadaki masu node yoroshiku onegai itashi masu.
I will be absent from office from (5) July 20 to (6) August 10 for (7) summer vacation. (8) Tom Brown will be in charge for me during absence.
  (5) & (6): You can put a specific date. Follow the table below to write dates in Japanese (the order of day, month and year is reversed): Years: Year + "年" (year)
Months: From January to December (Japanese numerals to express months):
Days: Number of day + "日" (day)
January 15th, 2016 → 2016年1月15日

  (7): Some optins are:
holidays: 休暇 kyūka
winter holidays: 冬休み fuyu yasumi
business trip: 出張 shucchō
training: 研修 kenshū

  (8): This is how this name is pronounced in Japanese. Replace it with a name transcribed in the Japanese katakana alphabet. See this link for the katakana conversion table. For popular names, you can get them instantly converted with the Google translation tool (


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