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Cool Kanji Collection — Kinship and Relationship Names

Last update March 29, 2019


Japanese Kinship Names Kanji List

Please refer to Hiragana & Katakana List for the pronunciations.

Meaning Kanji [Pronunciation]
Aunt 伯母 [o-ba] (older than your father/mother) / 叔母 [o-ba] (younger than your father/mother)
Chairperson 会長 [kai-chō]
Child [ko] / 子供 [ko-do-mo]
Cousin 従弟 (male) [i-to-ko] / 従妹 (female) [i-to-ko]
Disciple 弟子 [de-shi]
Employee 社員 [sha-in]
Employer 雇用者 [ko-yō-sha]
Father [chi-chi/hu] / 父親 [chi-chi-o-ya]
Friend [to-mo] / 友人 [yū-ji-n]
Grandchild (including granddaughter and grandson) [ma-go]
Grandfather 祖父 [so-hu]
Grandmother 祖母 [so-bo]
Great-Grandchild (including great-granddaughter and great-grandson) 曾孫 [hi-ma-go]
Great-Grandfather 曾祖父 [sō-so-hu]
Great-Grandmother 曾祖母 [sō-so-bo]
Your Junior (at school or work) 後輩 [kō-ha-i]
Lover 愛人 (of extramarital affair) [a-i-jin] / 恋人 [ko-i-bi-to]
Master [shi] / 師匠 [shi-shō]
Registered Member 会員 [ka-i-in]
Mother [ha-ha/bo] / 母親 [ha-ha-o-ya]
Older Brother [a-ni/ke-i]
Older Sister [a-ne/shi]
Parent [o-ya]
President (CEO) 社長 [sha-chō]
President (of association, etc.) 会長 [ka-i-chō]
Your Senior (at school or work) 先輩 [se-n-pa-i]
Student 学生 [ga-ku-se-i] (collge/university)/ 生徒 [se-i-to] (up to high school)
Your Subordinate (at work) 部下 [bu-ka]
Your Superior (at work) 上司 [jō-shi]
Teacher 先生 [sen-se-i]
Uncle 伯父 [o-ji] (older than your father/mother) / 叔父 [o-ji] (younger than your father/mother)
Younger Brother [o-tō-to/te-i]
Younger Sister [i-mō-to/ma-i]
