Last update October 13, 2022

Todaiji Temple (2) 用語集


東大寺っていうのは「華厳経(けごんきょう)」のお寺よ。「華厳経」っていうのは「大方広仏華厳経(だいほうこうぶつけごんきょう)」とも言われて、サンスクリット語では buddha-avatamsaka-nama-mahavaipulya-sutra って言うのよ。あんた読める?さすがのアタシもむずかしいわ。ベロが二枚くらいないとね。え?二枚舌じゃないわよ。で、これはね、サンスクリット語で「仏の飾りと名づけられる広大な経」ていう意味らしいわ。なんか、華々しいわねえ。




Tōdaiji Temple bases its doctrine on the Avatamsaka (jpn. Kegon; translation from Chinese Huayanjing) sutra (or buddha-avatamsaka-nama-mahavaipulya-sutra). The word "avatamsaka" means "flower adornment" or "a flower garland" in Sanskrit.

The Avatamsaka sutra is a Mahayana text compiled between 500 and 600 years after the passing of Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta Gautama), the founder of Buddhism. Featuring the Buddha's discourses given during the initial stage of his ministry, it reveals the supreme state of his enlightenment that was beyond people's comprehension. Because of the contents too unfathomable to comprehend even for his disciples, the sutra is ranked one of the most intricate Buddhist sutras.

Probably due to this forbidding difficulty, the sutra was popularly studied in the time around the emperor Shōmu. In 740 (in the time of Kin-shō-ji temple), a priest named Rōben took initiatives in organizing lectures on the sutra. The project was given so much prestige that an eminent priest (his name was Simsang) was invited far away from Silla (an ancient Korean dynasty) as a lecturer.

The lectures used the 60 fascicles of the Avatamsaka sutra, a set of Chinese texts translated by Buddhabhadra. It took the class three years to finish the first round of lectures by working on 20 fascicles each year.

Rōben later became the first chief administrator of Tōdaiji Temple.