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Japan Sightseeing Glossary (11)

Last update December 4, 2019

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Japanese Kanji English
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Kabuto a (war) helmet
Kacchū 甲冑 a (war) helmet and armor
Kaigen-kuyō 開眼供養 a Buddha statue eye-opening ceremony (conducted to inspirit a Buddha image)
Kake-jiku 掛け軸 a hanging scroll
Kamado an old-fashioned Japanese cooking hearth
Kami a god; deity
Kamoi 鴨居 a lintel
Kan-non (botatsu) 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara; Guan Yin
Kare-san-sui 枯山水 literally "Dry Mountain and Water": a rock and pebble garden; a traditional garden design to represent a landscape of mountains and streams without using water
Kegon-kyō 華厳経 the Avatamsaka Sutra; Flower Adornment (Ornament) Sutra; Flower-Garland Sutra
Kentōshi 遣唐使 Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty; cultural delegation to the Tang Dynasty
Kigan 祈願 wish-fulfilling prayer
Kitō 祈祷 soliciting prayer to a Buddha or deity for (protection, blessing, etc.)
Kin gold
Kin-paku 金箔 gold leaf; gold foil
Kokera-fuki こけら葺き shake (or wooden shingle) roof (or thatching)
Kokubun-ji 国分寺 a provincial monastery (temple) placed by Emperor Shōmu
Kokubun-niji 国分尼寺 a provincial convent (nunnery) placed by Emperor Shōmu
Kokuhō 国宝 (a) national treasure (item)
Koma-inu 狛犬 (a pair of) lion-dog guardians (or guardian beasts) (placed at the both sides of temple or shrine gate)
Kōmoku-ten 広目天 Virupaksha (Great Seer) (one of the Four Heavenly Kings; protectors of Buddhism; protects the west)
Kōshitsu 皇室 the imperial family (including the emperor)
Kōtaishi 皇太子 the Crown Prince
Kōzoku 皇族 the imperial family (excluding the emperor)
Kuge 公家 Noble people, particularly those who would serve at the imperial court in Japan
Kugi-kakkushi 釘隠し nail cover; decorative nail head cover; ornamental nail cover -->Kugi-kakkushi
Kuri 庫裏 a kitchen (building) of temple; living quarters for the abbot in temple
Kuruma-yose 車寄せ a vehicle (carriage) access entrance -->Kuruma-yose
-Kyō -京 the capital (the place where the imperial court is located)

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