ふき, 蕗
Japanese Butterbur Stalks
There may be some foods you hated as a child but love when grown up. Fuki is just one of them. For that mild bitterness (the taste of spring!) and fibrous texture, it’s hard for children with immature palate to appreciate that distinct sensation to the teeth and the juicy, refreshing flavour of green spring. After removing Aku (unwanted pungency), you can boil the stalks alone or together with other ingredientes such as Abura Age or Take No Ko. For a bowl of steaming-hot rice, Tsukudani (soy sauce and sugar-seasoned item) of Fuki would become a Gohan ga Susumu (promotes rice consuming) item.

Typical Tsukudani of Fuki.

Nimono of Fuki (Photo by M. KIYOTA).

Typical Tsukudani of Fuki.

Nimono of Fuki (Photo by M. KIYOTA).