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Since January 2006.   Last update January 2, 2024  
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Japanese Site


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Good morning to fellow day larks! Your witnessing the sunrise will surely make your new day brilliant. Good afternoon to late birds! I’ll bet sleeping a bit longer makes you feel beautiful today. Then, good evening to dear night owls! Sharpen your senses for any nocturnal activity. is a one-of-its-kind type site created by someone who tries to cherish and enjoy each day to the full as if it were her last while being nice to people. Easier said than done? Exactly. That's why she keeps trying day after day.

Missed your flight, train, or bus? Sorry for you, but never mind. It’s not a big deal, ’cos there’s always the next one, as long as you keep trying to catch one. Are you feeling today’s not your day? No worries, you have tomorrow. You’ve lost faith in yourself and feel like a rat in a ditch? Nonsense! Even a rat has guts, and so do you. is a one-of-its-kind type site created by someone who tries to cherish and enjoy each day to the full as if it were her last while being nice to people. Has she ever been lazy? No kidding! Humans are intellectual sloths. We can use some loafing away, can we?

Do you hate someone so terribly that you hate yourself for that? Be relieved since you’re not alone. That’s why associating with someone you dislike is categorized as one of the Eight Sufferings in Buddhism. So, it’s a type of pain before being labelled as a sin. Then, how can we become free from this distress? Well, the Buddha says, “Empty your ego. Then, you will be freed from hatred”. So, is a one-of-its-kind type site created by someone who strives to do that. How about you?


autumn leaves
still a painter
even after the fall


Smartly Contents

The Smartly section of this site shows sister sites in the domain to help make your life even a bit smarter. TooBen Creative Writing Based on Translation is the administrator’s business site featuring her over-30 years’ speciality, a set of time-honoured techniques, particularly in the marketing and sales promotional field. For those who are keen to know or have some interest in Japan, there’s a Japan guide site in three languages: Things About Japan (in English), Cosas sobre Japón (in Spanish), and にほんのこと.

Friendly Contents

PowerPoint templates e-mail message samples
Try some friendly offers at the Friendly section. A new business often starts with a fantastic presentation. Simple (using a clean white background) but stylish Original PowerPoint Templates will make an impressive deck. For businesspeople working with Japanese companies, here’s a collection of Easy E-mail Message Samples.

Smiley Contents

As the name indicates, the Smiley section features original Japonesque Smileys plus selected photos of Impressive Japanese Scenery.

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Quick Peep-In

Dog? No, it’s a fox. In Japan, too, a fox is supposed to be sly. But this one goes like, “Spare any food, sir?” enticing hikers with his innocent, needy facial expressions. Cute? Yeah, but a bit sad, isn’t it? (Check Hiji Sampo). The text is in Japanese.

If you love animals and want to learn about animal names in Japanese — not one by one, but a bunch of them at a time — use this site. But some may prefer flowers or even food names. In that case, too, try the same site: Things About Japan - Daily Words Collections.

Meet a weasel in Japan. Cuter than you think, right? By the way, there’s the Japanese term “Itachi-Gokko”, namely, “a weasel game”. Originated from a children’s play, it refers to a futile, endless game between the chaser and the chased, just like a fight between security apps and attackers, for example. See Hiji Sampo.

Traditionally, a long-waiting-lined delicious Ramen in Japan used to be prepared by a stubborn, often grumpy middle-aged man. He won’t hesitate to snap at customers’ (even unintentional) behaviours that might not do his dish justice. On top of that, his product was often served crudely, with no frills. Except the taste was super! However, things are changing, and how about this restaurant? The ramen has become an art piece. The taste? Just superb! Find it in Things About Japan - Food - Ramen.

No offense to citizens in Nara Prefecture, but I’ve never felt Nara Zuke pickles were delicious. But look what I’ve found: A splendid product with such rich, deep taste never experienced before! Sake Kasu (Sake lees) paste wrapping around the pickle block is also outstanding. Even only that can be a rice-eating promoter. Check Hiji Sampo. For more Japanese pickles, see Things About Japan - Food - Tsukemono.

Fancy some cool kanjis? Yes, all kanjis have a meaning. You may want to say something in a secret code; Hence kanji. How about for “love”, for “courage”, or for “beauty”? Find more here: Things About Japan - Leaning Japanese - Cool Kanji Collection.

Every language has its sayings, and so does Japanese. Some are unique to Japan, while others can find their counterparts in English. Let’s try some. What does it mean if we say “a rice cake in a painting”? Or “Do laundry while the devil is away”? How about “sutra chanting for horse ears”? Find the meaning here: Things About Japan - Leaning Japanese - Japanese Proverbs & Sayings.

If you may wonder how you write your name in Japanese, it’s time to learn the Japanese alphabets. Here’s how it works. If your name is John Smith, it’ll be written “ジョン・スミス”, if it’s Beth Wineburg, “ベス・ワインバーグ”. Well, you may say you can use Google Translate to convert names into Japanese alphabets instantly. Right. That’s exactly true if your name is a popular one. By the way, did you know that rare names often remain in the Latin alphabets in the result window on the translation software? In that case, you are on your own. So how about learning some Japanese Alphabets (Hiragana & Katakana)?

Year after year, there are two things Japanese just can’t do without. Cherry blossoms and red maple leaves viewing. Indeed, they are musts to duly welcome spring and bid farewell to autumn. So obsessed that failing to do so makes them feel “guilty”. Imagine... it’s like you’ve missed a reunion with your dear long-time-no-see friends who could stay only for a short time. Find out why here: Things About Japan - Why Japanese Love Cherry Blossoms?

Here’s something BIG in a small country. No visitor leaves here without being amazed! Located in Nara prefecture, it’s one of the must-see spots for tourists from around the world. For animal lovers, there are always those herds in the nearby park, adorably pleading for visitors’ bountiful treat. Find more here: Things About Japan - Things to See in Japan - Todaiji Temple

Easy Japanese Phrase 1

Sumimasen すみません Click to listen

A bit enigmatic but handy expression that could sound “Excuse me”, “Sorry!” or even “Thank you!”. When you want someone’s attention to know how to get to the post office, for example, say “Sumimasen” looking at them, then they’ll surely be ready to listen to you. Or you can say the phrase when you accidentally bump into someone on your way. And imagine you drop your hankie and someone picked it up for you, now you know what to say!

Japanese Oyatsu 1

Roughly meaning “Time Eight” (the 8th segment of the ancient 12-fold timekeeping), Oyatsu is a sweet or snack eaten at around two or three pm in the afternoon.

Kubote no Sato

Named “the Village of Kubote”, it’s a refined Manju-type sweet in Buzen city, Fukuoka, inspired by Mt. Kubote, a regional mecca of mountain Buddhism, where many Yamabushi (ascetics) used to engage in hard training. The first bite will create a hint of exquisite cinnamon while a mellow bean paste filling pleases your tongue sweetly.
Check the shop: Musashiya.

Japanese Sushi 1

Yakisaba Zushi

If you think all fish-topped sushi use sashimi (raw fish slices), you’ll miss the real fun of eating this Japanese cuisine. This Yakisaba Zushi (sushi with a grilled mackerel slice) is a delicate masterpiece combining optimally-fatted mild-salt-seasoned fish meat that’s savorily grilled with delicious vinegar rice. The mackerel sushi is a typical item produced in the region along the road dubbed “Saba Kaido” (Macherel Road), connecting the origin of saba and Kyoto. The Yakisaba Zushi is a product of the region called Kutsuki (presently Takashima city, Shiga).

Japanese Onomatopoeia 1

Language-wise, nothing sounds more “Japonism” than onomatopoetic words. The Japanese onomatopoeia (technically the sound symbolism) comprises three types: Gi-sei-go (animate phonomime), Gi-on-go (inanimate phonomime), and Gi-tai-go (phenomime), literally meaning words imitative of a voice, sound and appearance respectively. But you don’t have to care about the categories. Just pick up one that best-suits your feeling and use it!


Bura-Bura refers to the state where a thing, person, or animal is not fixed or stationary but is in a slight motion or moving in an idly, lazy, or suspended manner. It also figuratively expresses that someone is not fully committed to their activity with a specific purpose. For example, if you want to stroll around the park, you walk Bura-Bura around it, but you shouldn’t do Bura-Bura or idle away your time, say, by watching socks hung from the line swinging Bura-Bura in the wind.

Japanese Kotowaza 1

Called Kotowaza or Kakugen, the Japanese language is rich in sayings or proverbs.

You’ve got your hand bitten by your dog.

When you feel betrayed by someone you’ve cared for, loved, and even fostered so far, you may want to say, “Oh, I’ve got my hand bitten by my dog”. OK, such a banal utterance! But that’s what sayings are for, aren’t they? In Japan, we say the same thing since we have the same expression, which goes: Kai Inu ni Te o Kamareru. But here’s another (probably more popular) way to say the concept: “return evil for good” or On o Ada de Kaesu.

Rondely Links
Things About Japan (in English)
Cosas sobre Japón (in Spanish)
にほんのこと (in Japanese with ruby characters)
TooBen Creative Writing Based on English-Japanese Translation
TooBen Haiku Gallery
Hiji Sampo (Trekking in Japan) (in Japanese)
