Last update April 4, 2021

映画・ドラマの英語表現リスト (S)


Ph.No.57 Sayonara Wall Street!
Ph.No.104 Don't get sci-fi on me.
Ph.No.32 I'm not seeing anyone.
Ph.No.153 I got a sense that they have been tinkering with it.
Ph.No.73 You've set me up.
Ph.No.10 This is a very sensitive situation.
Ph.No.23 That seems you are settling in.
Ph.No.125 She should be here in a few minutes.
Ph.No.109 Do you know what this is? Should I?
Ph.No.47 Shouldn't be much further.
Ph.No.140 You have skipped your pills.
Ph.No.121 Try to get some sleep.
Ph.No.165 It's going to be a smash!
Ph.No.168 Someone is in great hurry.
Ph.No.170 If you can't carry out my order, I'll find someone who can.
Ph.No.202 Something never changes.
Ph.No.191 Something smells so good.
Ph.No.45 Sorry about the other night.
Ph.No.69 I may sound stupid, ...
Ph.No.39 It's a figure of speech.
Ph.No.193 The order stands.
Ph.No.113 Step outside.
Ph.No.99 She is a kind of mean, but she's still my mom.
Ph.No.48 I still have work to do.
Ph.No.88 Are you still there? (Are you still with me?)
Ph.No.133 I never stop loving him.
Ph.No.149 He lives across the street.
Ph.No.132 Such a honor to meet you.
Ph.No.25 Suit yourself.
Ph.No.111 The baby wasn't supposed to be.
Ph.No.106 (She talked to me) like I was supposed to know her.
Ph.No.146 Don't sweet-talk to me.
Ph.No.151 My deepest symphathy goes to…

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